Sep. 1. M.Commonwealth, revise. Write to Bryant. Virgil, v. 313. Museum; W D Fellowese. Hodgets sups. 65 / 67
2. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Virgil, v. 458. Museum; Ushere. Tea at L Hunt’s: N G calls n. 65 ½ / 69 ½
3. W.Commonwealth, revise, 2 pages{.} Virgil, v. 548. Museum; Ushere. M W S, Cts & W dine. 64 ½ / 67
4. Th.Commonwealth, 1 page; revise. Virgil, v. 665. Museum; Coxe. sup at Reynolds’s, F R, w. S & H Boaden. 65 / 69 ½
5. F.Commonwealth, 1 page. Virgil, v. 818. M W S at tea. 65 / 70.
6. Sa.Commonwealth, 1 page. Proof. Uwins call: call, w. C C, on Coates: theatre, Pirate of Genoae. 65 / 69
Sep. 7. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Proof. Call on Northcote. Sultry. 66 / 70
8. M.Commonwealth, revise. Virgil, Lib. X, v. 117: T C, Four Letters. 68 ½ / 74
9. Tu.Commonwealth (Other House), 3 pp. Virgil, v. 200. M W S dines; adv. N G. 70 / 72 ½
10. W.Commonwealth, revise. Rain. Proof. W & Cts at tea. 67 / 69
11. Th.Commonwealth, 1 page, frustra. Virgil, v. 307. Museum; Rolle. M W S calls: dine at Uwins’s, w. sir Jas Williams, Dr Stewart{,} Pepys, Hanleydy, Penning, Chas Morgan & C C. 67 / 69
12. F.Commonwealth, 2 pages. Museum; Rolle. Seek Nicholas: call on Northcote. 67 / 68 ½
13. Sa.State Paper Officee. Virgil, v. 404. Call on Roddn: Uwins calls. 65 ½ / 70
Sep. 14. Su.Commonwealth, 1 page (council). Virgil, v. 509. W calls. 64
15. M.Commonwealth, revise. Virgil, v. 632. Call on Rees (Longman), w. C C: theatre, Valeriae. 61 ½ / 67 ½
16. Tu.Commonwealth, 1/2 page (Harrison); revise. Virgil, v. 788. Museum; Pelle: call on Nicholas: M W S dines: sup at Hodgets’. 60 / 66
17. W.Commonwealth, revise. Virgil, v. 908. Museum; Newspaperse. W sups. 60 / 65 ½
18. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Proof. Theatre, 1/2 Pirate, & Quartettee. Write to Cubit. 62 / 67
19. F.Commonwealth, revise. Virgil, Lib. XI, v. 138. Museum; Cartee. Dine at Bryant’s, w. A Bryant. 62 / 69
20. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Virgil, v. 260. Call on Colburnnit, & Northcote. 61 ½ / 68
Sep. 21. Su.Commonwealth, 2 pages; revise. Virgil, v. 360. Lawrence & Wn call: dine at Robinson’s, w. Jos. Barret & Di Toro. 63 / 68
22. M.Commonwealth, 3 pages; revise. Virgil, v. 418. W tea & supper. 63 / 68
23. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Virgil, v. 521. Museum; Newspaperse. Overseer from Arbit calls: M W S dines. 64 ½ / 68
24. W.Commonwealth, revise. 2 1/2 pages. Virgil, v. 596. Museum; Newspaperse. Warbeck, p. 184. 64 / 69
25. Th.Commonwealth, 1 1/2 pages. Proof. Museum; Newspaperse. Warbeck, p. 203. 66 / 71 ½
26. F.Commonwealth, revise. Virgil, v. 740. W calls: French Theatre, 2 Precepteurs, & Trente Anse. Thermometer, 73. 67 / 73
27. Sa.Commonwealth, 1 page (King); revise. Write to Colburn. Virgil, v. 915. Call on Northcote, w. C C: M W S at tea. 66 ½ / 67
Sep. 28. Su. Commonwealth, 1 1/2 pages. Virgil, Lib. XII, ver. 111. Call on Antonia, &, w. C C, on Booth. 62 / 66
29. M.Commonwealth, 3 pp: Preface. Virgil, v. 240. Meet mrs Hippisley: sup at Reynolds’s. W dines. 65 / 66 ½
30. Tu.Commonwealth, 1 page. Write to Dudley. Virgil, v. 364. Call, w. C C, on Boosey junr, R Hunter, R T & Treuttel. 64 / 67 ½
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