William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for September 1788



Sep. 1. M.

2. Tu.

3. W.

4. Th.Jour de mauvaise nouvellee. Marshal for Southamptone.

5. F.

6. Sa.

Dep. e.196, fol.  14r
[fol. 14r]

Sep. 7. Su.Marshal returnse.

8. M.

9. Tu.

10. W.Marshal for Southamptone.

11. Th.Marshal returnse.

12. // Fr.Come to towne.

13. Sa.Call on Mrs Cooper. Sleep in Cold Bath Fields.

Dep. e.196, fol.  14v
[fol. 14v]

Sep. 14. Su.Called on Barry: met Wilson & Heath. Dine at Hollis with Barry & J. H.: see Brand Hollis.

15. M.Ride & dine with Holcroft. Mrs do.

16. Tu.Call on Close.

17. W.Explain to Holcrofte. Marshal to Guildforde.

18. Th.Calls on Kippis. Holcroft calls. Marshal returnse.

19. Fr.Call on, & am called on by Ht. T. Cooper in towne.

20. Sa.Drink tea at miss Williams's, with Kippis & Moore.

Dep. e.196, fol.  15r
[fol. 15r]

Sep. 21. Su.Dine at Holcrofts.

22. M.Dine at Robinson's with Hamilton: sup at Holcroft's.

23. Tu.Holcroft explains to Robinsone.

24. W.Call on Robinson: drink tea with Mrs Cooper.

25. Th.Dine at Holcroft's.

26. F.Call on Robinson: M. for Southamptone: Holcroft calls.

27. Sa.Call on Mr Hewlet.

Dep. e.196, fol.  15v
[fol. 15v]

Sep. 28. Su.M

29. M.T. C. goes to Shacklewele.

30. Tu.Ml returnse. Interview with Thomas Latter of Hertfordshire, esquire.