William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for December 1835



Dec. 1. Tu.Sir C Scudamore & M W S call: Emily sups. Maria Howard, homee. 60 / 64 ½

2. W.Exchequer, delivere. Life of Tasso, M W S. Scudamore & Wilson call. 59 / 65

3. Th.Life of Foscolo. Scudamore & mrs Nortonn call. 59 / 63

4. F.Giddinesse. Life of Monti. Wilson, Bookse: Scudamore calls. 57 ½ / 60

5. Sa.Write to Woods & Forests (Chimney). M W S & Scudamore call. Caunter, clergyman, p. 98. o55 / 60

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[fol. 36v]

Dec. 6. Su.Revise. Caunter, p. 187. Call on Car. Nortonn & Pickens: Emily dines. 55 / 59

7. M.Fog. Caunter, p. 311. Hudson, après diner: Scudamore calls. M J, à l’Etude; 13 dayse.54 / 59

8. Tu.Caunter, p. 358, fin: Life of Alfieri, p. 31. N G calls: call on Car. Nortonn: Emily sups. 53 ½ / 58

9. W.Life of Alfieri. Scudamore calls: theatre, King O’Neil; adv. Spencere. Parricide, p. 64. xIndisposede. 53 ½ / 56

10. Th.Parricide, p. 266. Uwins calls. M W S , do. Snow.51 ½ / 55 ½

11. F.Parridecide, Vol. II, p. 132. Scudamore calls: Emily sups. 49 / 53

12. Sa.Parricide, p. 322, fin. Mrs Jas White calls. 47 / 53

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Dec. 13. Su.Life of Galileo. Gent & Daniel call. Delevi. 48 / 54

14. M.Life of Guarini. M W S dines; adv. Wilson. 49 / 56 ½

15. Tu.Fog. Life of Chiabrera. M W S breakfasts: Emily sups. 51 / 56 ½

16. W.Thick Fog. Life of Goldoni. 52 / 57

17. Th.Rochester, Funeral Sermon, &c: Laude. 51 ½ / 56

18. F.Rochester, çala: Rienzi, p. 80. 52 / 57 ½

19. Sa.Rienzi, p. 236. Call on Car. Nortonn: Scudamore calls. 53 / 57

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[fol. 37v]

Dec. 20. Su.Dark. Bojardo, st. 17: Rienzi, p. 302. Campbel calls: Emily sups. Snow.50 ½ / 55 ½

21. M.Rochester, çala: Rienzi, Vol. II, p. 74. 46 ½ / 51 ½

22. Tu.Bright. Rienzi, p. 212. Call on Rogersn: Emily dines: Trelawney & Wilson sup. 45 / 42 / 55

23. W.Rienzi, p. 364; Vol. III, p. 46. Notes. Ice in Chamber, 5 days. 46 / 54

24. Th.Rienzi, p. 216. 46 / 52 ½

25. F.Notes. Rienzi, p. 356, fin. Dine at mrs Wood’s, w. Leic. Stanhopes, G Jones. Alcala, Hutchinson, Thomas; adv. Macaulay, Sceptic, Boy of Andes. Skaiting. 45 ½ / 50 ½

26. Sa.Cerceau, p. 41. 41 ½ / 50

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Dec. 27. Su.Cerceau, p. 102. Dine at Campbel’s, w. Otway Cave, Sigmond, Williams & Alex C. 42 / 51

28. M.Cerceau, p. 175. 43 ½ / 53 ½

29. Tu.Cerceau, p. 222. Percy dines.xNotes. ox5 feet 4 3/4 inchese. 46 ½ / 54 ½

30. W.Cerceau, p. 270. Emily sups. 50 / 58 ½

31. Th.Fog. Delevi.Cerceau, p. 326. A Evans dines. Diarrhoea, 2 dayse. 51 ½ / 47 / 56 ½