William Godwin's Diary

White, James

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 61 times, but was not at home (N) 1 time, and was a venue (V) 22 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


10  May  1799 16  May  1799 22  May  1799


29  May  1800 (V)


25  February  1803 3  March  1803


16  March  1809 (V) 29  September  1809 10  October  1809 (V) 14  November  1809 13  December  1809 (V)


3  January  1810 16  January  1810 10  March  1810 12  March  1810 (V) 7  April  1810 18  April  1810 (V) 11  July  1810 (V)


11  January  1811 6  February  1811 13  February  1811 3  April  1811 22  April  1811 (V) 19  June  1811 (N) 21  June  1811 27  June  1811 16  November  1811 (V) 20  November  1811 30  December  1811 (V)


23  January  1812 (V) 7  March  1812 12  March  1812 (V) 2  May  1812 28  May  1812 4  December  1812


22  January  1813 (V) 19  February  1813 26  February  1813 15  March  1813 (V) 2  June  1813 3  December  1813 (V) 24  December  1813 (V)


19  January  1814 (V) 15  February  1814 26  March  1814 (V) 2  June  1814 (V) 30  September  1814 10  October  1814 27  October  1814 30  November  1814 1  December  1814


1  April  1815 (V) 21  July  1815


7  January  1816 9  January  1816 4  July  1816 (V) 22  August  1816 (V) 1  November  1816 2  November  1816 5  November  1816


12  March  1820

  • Name: White, James
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 17  April  1775
  • Death Date: 13  March  1820
  • Occupation: author
  • Occupation: advertising agent

Godwin enters the death of James White on 12 March 1830. This is James White, (bap. 1775, d. 1820) see DNB. White was a close associate of Lamb, having been at school with him, and standing as one of Lamb's Bondsmen. J/Jas White first appears in 1799, there are a few entries between 1799-1803 and then many between 1808 and 1816. Most are calls/meets - the only one connected to Lamb is:
29 May 1800: 'tea J White's , w. Lamb and Gutch:'
Gutch is likely to be John Mathew Gutch (1776-1861), who went to school with Lamb and White and Lamb was lodging with Gutch during this year. It seems as if we have enough to identify the early J/Jas Whites as Lamb's friend. However, it is strange that most of the entries are meets/calls, which suggests a business relationship. As the entries only take off from 1808, perhap Godwin is dealing with White in his professional capacity as an advertising agent, getting his help for advertising Juvenile Library books. There are a few letters sent and received but these have not been located.

The difficulty is to disentangle these White's from those who continue in the diary after his death. What is most striking about those that follow is that there is effectively an 8-year gap between frequent contact in 1816 and then again in 1824. However, the pattern of contacts is similar - call on or is called on by. There is not much evidence of a connection with Lamb, indeed, although there are White entries connected with Lamb they are not Jas White. Which suggests that Jas White might be someone distinct from James White (this entry, Lamb's friend and DNB entry) and that Godwin may be entering instances of this White in a different way.

In a letter to Patrickson on 4 February 1812 Godwin refers to talking to James White, who is married to Mr Faulder's daughter (and the DNB recognises this in its entry on this James White: White married Margaret Faulder (1792–1864), daughter of Robert Faulder, a bookseller, in 1811, and they had six children.') Faulder helped to support Patrickson at Cambridge.

  • MS. Abinger c. 11, fols. 79-80: 4 Feb. 1812
  • The Times, 30 November 1835
  • DNB
  • William Carew Hazlitt, The Lambs; their lives, their friends and their correspondence; new particulars and new material (London, 1897)

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Lamb, Charles 1
Gutch, John Matthew 1
Stewart, Dugald 1
Miles, John 1
Godwin, Joseph 1

White, James

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 33 times, but was not at home (N) 1 time, and was a venue (V) 29 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


27  July  1822 (V)


13  August  1823 (V) 19  December  1823 (V) 21  December  1823 (V)


7  January  1824 (V) 26  January  1824 (V) 29  April  1824 (V) 3  July  1824 (V) 4  July  1824 8  July  1824 (V) 19  July  1824 (V) 6  August  1824 (V) 15  September  1824 (V) 19  September  1824 (V) 25  November  1824 (V)


9  January  1825 (V) 12  January  1825 (V) 2  May  1825 (V) 4  May  1825 (V) 9  June  1825 (NV) 3  July  1825 (V) 19  July  1825 (V) 25  August  1825 (V) 4  September  1825 (V)


16  February  1826 (V) 23  June  1826 (V) 24  June  1826 31  December  1826 (V)


3  July  1831 (V)


19  April  1832


24  May  1833 (V) 9  July  1833 (V)


23  November  1835

  • Name: White, James
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date:
  • Death Date: 23  January  1835

This entry is for James White of Isleworth who dies on 23 January 1835, and who seems closely related to George White.

We have distinguished Charles Lamb's friend James White who dies in 1820 from other James White entries linked to Lamb. Things are complicated by Lamb's association with other Whites - especially James White of Isleworth who calls on Godwin seemingly with Lamb on 7 July 1822; and the White who calls from Lamb on 16 May 1822.

There is a report in The Times of 30 November 1835 of the death of James White, late of Isleworth on 23 November 1835 at the age of 63. 'On the 23d inst., 41 Thanet-cottage, Park-village, James White, Esq., late of Isleworth, in the 63d year of his age.' There are a number of direct reverences to White of Isleworth but it remains unclear whether Godwin is distinguishing them systematically from Jas White or J White.

The question from the 1820s is whether 'Jas White' and 'White, Isleworth' are the same, as the Times suggests - the alternative reading is that Godwin might be distinguishing them, describing James White of Isleworth as 'White, Isleworth' to distinguish him from the other James White. For example, Godwin writes to 'White, Isleworth' on 7 January 1824 and 2 days later notes 'Jas White at tea'

A Geo White often appears with the Isleworth White, eg. 4 September 1825: 'Dine at White’s, Isleworth , w. G Whites, Millers, Hills, M W S and W:' And this Geo White often appears with Jas White: 28 December 1832: 'Dine at Geo. White’s , w. Anthony and Jas Whites and femmes' Both Isleworth and Jas Whites appear most frequently in 1824 and 1825 and that they both often appear alongside Geo White, suggesting that they may be the same person whom Godwin notes inconsistently.

The strongest basis for thinking that Jas White after 1820 and White (Isleworth) are different people is the consistency with which Godwin continues to record their distinctive names. We have, accordingly, created this separate file for James White of Isleworth.

  • The Times, 30 November 1835.

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
White, 6
Godwin, William 3
Collier, John Payne 2
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 2
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 2
Miller, 2
Hill, (Thomas) 1
Woodcock, 1
Bevan, Joseph 1

White, James

  • Name: White, James
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date:
  • Death Date:

These entries have been coded for James White entries post-1820 (distinguishing him from James White who was Lamb's friend and died in 1820; and from James White of Isleworth). This James White may be identical with James White of Isleworth (see entry). However, the relative consistency with which Godwin continues to enter both James White and White of Isleworth as different contacts suggests that he was distinguishing them. That said, the final entry to James White is the death of James White of Isleworth! This suggests that they are identical, or that Godwin switches at some point in the 1830s from Isleworth to Jas White, or that the final entry gives his full name and shows why Godwin has needed to distinguish them.

See the entry for James White of Isleworth.

No bibliographic items currently available

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Williams, Jane (Mrs Hogg) 1
Kenney, James 1
White, 1