William Godwin's Diary

Prentis, Edward

  • Name: Prentis, Edward
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: August  1797
  • Death Date: December  1854
  • Occupation: painter

There are two main Prentises in the diary both of whom appear for the first time in 1823 and are noted fairly frequently until Godwin's death. They are E Prentis and Stephen Prentis, identified as the brothers Edward Prentis(1797-1854), painter, and Stephen Prentis (1800-1862), poet.
Of the first ten references to Prentis, all in 1823, nine have no initial. The tenth entry, 22 December 1823 records, 'M W S dines; adv. E & Stephen Prentis, & C Landseer.'
Given that Stephen's name has been recorded in full, we have taken E Prentise to be the more intimate contact and and therefore the nine plain Prentis entries in 1823 and the numerous instances of Prentis without initial from 1824, have all been treated as Edward Prentis. !!! happy with this? !!!
From 1824 there are numerous references to E Prentis, Stephen Prentis and Prentis (no initial). There is also an H Prentis who may be a relative, although neither DNB entry mentions other siblings. We have made a key file each for E Prentis and S Prentis. Given that Stephen Prentis graduates from Cambridge only in 1824, it might be reasonable to assume that Prentis’s prior to that date are more likely to be E Prentis; and it also seems likely that H Prentis does not account for the plain Prentis entries, given his relatively infrequent appearance, his later appearance, and the evidence in favour of ascribing these to E. Prentis. There is no key file for H Prentis.

  • DNB.

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Pilcher, 11
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 7
Landseer, Charles 5
Godwin, William 5
Hofland, Thomas Christopher 5
Rogers, Samuel 4
Hill, (Thomas) 4
Landseer, John George 3
Morton, Thomas 3
Martin, John 3
Prentis, Stephen 3
Lubé, Denis George 1
Uwins, Thomas 1
Uwins, David 1
Batty, Robert 1
Haydon, Benjamin Robert 1
Wilkie, Sir David 1
Kemble, Charles 1
Kemble, Maria Theresa 1
Cunningham, Allan (Hidallan) 1
Morgan, Lady Sydney (née Owenson) 1
Morgan, Sir Thomas Charles 1
Shepherd, Lady Mary (née Primrose) 1
Gent, Thomas 1
Bowring, Sir John 1
Stepney, Lady Catherine (née Pollok) (Manners) 1
Bury, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria (née Campbell) 1
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 1
Botwright, 1
Hudson, John Corrie 1
Williams, Jane (Mrs Hogg) 1
Hogg, Thomas Jefferson 1
Blanchard, Edward (Samuel) 1