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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 41 times, but was not at home (N) 2 times, and was a venue (V) 0 times.
You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.
11 July 1795 12 August 1795 8 November 1795 (N) 15 November 1795 31 December 1795
10 January 1796 12 January 1796 16 January 1796 28 January 1796 23 March 1796 31 March 1796 4 April 1796 8 April 1796 2 June 1796 21 June 1796 25 June 1796 4 October 1796 9 October 1796 10 October 1796 11 October 1796 12 October 1796 13 October 1796 14 October 1796 15 October 1796 16 October 1796 17 October 1796 18 October 1796 19 October 1796 20 October 1796 21 October 1796 23 October 1796 6 November 1796 12 November 1796 23 November 1796
16 February 1797 18 February 1797 (N) 26 February 1797
There are five Allens in the diary: Robert Allen, Lancelot Baugh Allen, William Allen, John Allen, and Allen, Parish Clerk. Allen, Parish Clerk appears once and is unidentified.
Robert Allen, cited in E.V. Lucas, The Life of Charles Lamb, pp.79-81, is linked with Christ's Hospital and Stoddart and thus appears to be the Allen
of the 1790s, at least. There are a number of Allen entries associated with Stoddart who Lucas also links to Robert Allen
and Godwin:
'for in 1796 we find Lamb telling
Coleridge that Stoddart and Godwin are influencing Allen so undesirably that he has become a sceptic'. The diary also tells
us that 'surgery' and 'anatomy'
where topics of conversation between Godwin and Allen - Robert Allen was a surgeon. Lucas goes on to state that Allen was
appointed Deputy Surgeon to the Second
Royale who were based in Portugal and but was back in England by 1802 (but perhaps earlier?) which confuses the issue.
Lancelot Baugh Allen (1775-1845) was Master of Dulwich College and a London Police Magistrate, and sat for a portrait done by Godwin’s acquaintance William Beechey. Baugh Allen was the son of John Bartlett Allen and his first wife. Catherine Allen Mackintosh, one of Baugh Allen's sisters, married the philosopher and lawyer James Mackintosh. Two of Baugh Allen's sisters married into the Wedgewood family. Jenny Allen married John Wedgewood and Elizabeth (Bessy) Allen married Josiah Wedgewood jr. A third sister, Jessie Allen, married the French economist Jean Charles Simonde de Sismondi. Godwin wrote to B Allen in 1832, but the letter is lost. Baugh Allen sups at Etruria in 1797 (the residence of Wedgwood) and there are a few examples in the 1790s of dinners including Wedgwoodand Mackintosh, and also the Allens (plural). The Wedgwoods and Allens also attend Mackintosh’s lecture around the same time.
William Allen (1770 – 1843) - thrice indicated with an initial ‘W’ in 1813–1814 started and maintained the quarterly journal The Philanthropist from 1811–1817. The journal discussed topical social reforms including monitorial education (DNB). The DNB also states that James Mills was a chief contributor, and in 1814 Godwin notes that Mills applies to W Allen, which could possibly be in relation to the journal. That year, Allen, along with Bentham, Robert Owen, and four other partners bought New Lanark Mills to establish a model industrial community (DNB). In a March 1813 entry, Godwin records ‘Owen calls: send to W Allen’ which connects Owen and Allen.
John Allen (1771–1843), political and historical writer, who was warden of Dulwich College from 1811 to 1820, and master from that year until his death. He was a member of the Holland House set from his 1805 return to England after a period abroad.
All plain 'Allen' entries up to and including 1797 have been coded as Robert Allen. As has the entry in 1803 (Lamb circle). Allens in 1799 have been coded as Baugh due to connections with Wedgwood circle. From 1805, Godwin appears to distinguish between Baugh Allen and John Allen, using plain 'Allen' for the latter (Robert Allen was deceased so hence no confusion). He has little contact with William Allen thus discounting him as a contender for any of the plain 'Allens'.
This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.
Name | Number of Meetings |
Stoddart, John | 4 |
Wedgwood, Thomas | 2 |
Wedgwood, Josiah (jr.) | 1 |
Wollstonecraft, Mary (Godwin) | 1 |
Holcroft, Thomas | 1 |
Fenwick, John | 1 |
Fenwick, Elizabeth (Eliza) (née Jaco, pseudonym Reverend David Blair) | 1 |
Cole, | 1 |
Perry, James (Pirie) | 1 |
Lamb, Charles | 1 |
Lamb, Mary Anne | 1 |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor | 1 |
Tooke, William | 1 |
Hays, Mary | 1 |
Tobin, James Webbe | 1 |
Wordsworth, William | 1 |
King, John (Jacob Rey) | 1 |
Dyson, George | 1 |
Shee, Sir Martin Archer | 1 |
Carlisle, Sir Anthony | 1 |
Marshall, James | 1 |
Kingsman, Henry Long | 1 |
Jardine, Major Alexander | 1 |
Smith, | 1 |