William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for September 1791



Sep. 1. Th.

2. F.

3. Sa.

Dep. e.198, fol.  28v
[fol. 28v]

Sep. 4. Su. Dine at Holcrofts. Finish N. A. R.

5. M. Walk to Hampton Court, with Dyson

6. Tu.

7. W. It was in this year that I read & criticised The Simple Story in ms. The year before.

8. Th.

9. F.

10. Sa.

Dep. e.198, fol.  29r
[fol. 29r]

Sep. 11. Su.

12. M.

13. Tu.

14. W.

15. Th.

16. F.

17. Sa.

Dep. e.198, fol.  29v
[fol. 29v]
Dep. e.198, fol.  30r
[fol. 30r]
Dep. e.198, fol.  30v
[fol. 30v]
Dep. e.198, fol.  31r
[fol. 31r]
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[fol. 31v]
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[fol. 32r]
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[fol. 32v]
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[fol. 33r]
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[fol. 33v]
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[fol. 34v]
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[fol. 35v]
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[fol. 36r]
Dep. e.198, fol.  36v
[fol. 36v]

No. IV.

Dep. e.199, fol.  1r
[fol. 1r]

Sep. 4. Su.Finish N A R. Dine at Holcroft's

5. M. Hampton Court with Dyson. Abraham dines. Barth. Faire.

6. Tu. Read Plato by Spens, 2 dialogues. fatiguee.

7. W. Call on Holcroft, nah. Plato, dialogues 3 & 4.

8. Th. Read Rousseau on Poland. Nat// calls. head ache. Patriot & False Alarm.

9. F. Continue Rousseau. Falkland's Islands head ache. Dyson calls.

10. Sa. Finish Rousseau. head ach over right eyee. sup at Holcroft's.

Dep. e.199, fol.  1v
[fol. 1v]

Sep. 11. Su. Contrât Social, liv. I. Hume Original Contract. Eye ache. Dine at Holcroft's.

12. M.Part of Hume on Morals: of Paley's Philosophy: of Mackintosh. Taxation no Tyranny.

13. Tu. Mackintosh: De l'Homme. Dix Mille. Tea at Nicholson's with Holcroft , leur démêlée; Libels, orig. Contract.

14. W. Inégalité parmi les Hommes.

15. Th. Write 3 pages. VespereDyson. Rollin on Sparta

16. F. Hume on Polygamy & Climate: Mitford on Sparta: Priestley versus Reid. Holcroft reads 3, sup chez lui.

17. Sa.Write 5 pages. De l'Homme

Dep. e.199, fol.  2r
[fol. 2r]

Sep. 18. Su.Write 2 pages. Holcroft dines; identity. Read the Traveller.

19. M.Write 3 1/2 pages. Deserted Village & Retaliation.

20. Tu. Write 2 pages. Raynal on South America. Throate.

21. W. Burke on Paraguay. Write 1 page. Fawcet dines; talk of genius & virtue, & of Christianity.

22. Th.Write 1 page. Read Inégalité: M. R. of Condillac. Warm weather. Indisposede.

24. F. eWrite 1 page twice. German Hotel.

24. Sa.Transcribe do. Inégalité. Languore. sup in Thr. Street.

Dep. e.199, fol.  2v
[fol. 2v]

Sep. 25. Su.Write 3 1/2 pages. Dine at Holcroft's with Fenwick: adv. Dyson.

26. M.Dine at Holcrofts; read together Introduction. M. R. of Falconer on Climate.

27. Tu. Rewrite a paragraph. Tea at Nicholson's: talk of rhetoric. Dyson calls. Hume's Essays.

28. W. Write 5 pages. Dix Mille. Hume's Essays.

29. Th.Write 2 pages. Tea at Nicho Dix Mille.

30. F.Write 2 pages. Tea at Nicholson's; criticise the Introduction; talk of économistes, taxation & commerce.