Sep. 4. Su. Dine at Holcrofts. Finish N. A. R.
5. M. Walk to Hampton Court, with Dyson
6. Tu.
7. W. It was in this year that I read & criticised The Simple Story in ms. The year before.
8. Th.
9. F.
10. Sa.
Sep. 11. Su.
12. M.
13. Tu.
14. W.
15. Th.
16. F.
17. Sa.
No. IV.
Sep. 4. Su.Finish N A R. Dine at Holcroft's
5. M. Hampton Court with Dyson. Abraham dines. Barth. Faire.
6. Tu. Read Plato by Spens, 2 dialogues. fatiguee.
7. W. Call on Holcroft, nah. Plato, dialogues 3 & 4.
8. Th. Read Rousseau on Poland. Nat// calls. head ache. Patriot & False Alarm.
9. F. Continue Rousseau. Falkland's Islands head ache. Dyson calls.
10. Sa. Finish Rousseau. head ach over right eyee. sup at Holcroft's.
Sep. 11. Su. Contrât Social, liv. I. Hume Original Contract. Eye ache. Dine at Holcroft's.
12. M.Part of Hume on Morals: of Paley's Philosophy: of Mackintosh. Taxation no Tyranny.
13. Tu. Mackintosh: De l'Homme. Dix Mille. Tea at Nicholson's with Holcroft , leur démêlée; Libels, orig. Contract.
14. W. Inégalité parmi les Hommes.
15. Th. Write 3 pages. VespereDyson. Rollin on Sparta
16. F. Hume on Polygamy & Climate: Mitford on Sparta: Priestley versus Reid. Holcroft reads 3, sup chez lui.
17. Sa.Write 5 pages. De l'Homme
Sep. 18. Su.Write 2 pages. Holcroft dines; identity. Read the Traveller.
19. M.Write 3 1/2 pages. Deserted Village & Retaliation.
20. Tu. Write 2 pages. Raynal on South America. Throate.
21. W. Burke on Paraguay. Write 1 page. Fawcet dines; talk of genius & virtue, & of Christianity.
22. Th.Write 1 page. Read Inégalité: M. R. of Condillac. Warm weather. Indisposede.
24. F. eWrite 1 page twice. German Hotel.
24. Sa.Transcribe do. Inégalité. Languore. sup in Thr. Street.
Sep. 25. Su.Write 3 1/2 pages. Dine at Holcroft's with Fenwick: adv. Dyson.
26. M.Dine at Holcrofts; read together Introduction. M. R. of Falconer on Climate.
27. Tu. Rewrite a paragraph. Tea at Nicholson's: talk of rhetoric. Dyson calls. Hume's Essays.
28. W. Write 5 pages. Dix Mille. Hume's Essays.
29. Th.Write 2 pages. Tea at Nicho Dix Mille.
30. F.Write 2 pages. Tea at Nicholson's; criticise the Introduction; talk of économistes, taxation & commerce.
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