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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 8 times, and was a venue (V) 0 times.
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First contact is a letter Godwin writes on 12 July 1809. He writes again on 2 August and 24 August of the same year, and in the following year on 19 January, 4 April, 4 June, 1 August and 30 October. Thus all eight contacts are letters. Frustratingly, none of them are in the Abinger Papers. The identification as Edward Upham (1776-1834), bookseller and orientalist (see DNB), is certainly plausible, and Edward Upham lived in Exeter - where he was made mayor in 1809 - so that would explain why their contact is entirely via letter. The 1809-10 contacts are all before Upham started publishing (he wrote novels and histories from the 1820s, having retired early from bookselling) so Godwin would have been corresponding with him in his position as a fellow bookseller, or to encourage him to take volumes from the juvenile library. At the moment, while this identification seems likely, we have no evidene to confirm or disprove it. Edward's brother John carried on a similar buisiness on Bath so it is possible that it is this Upham with whom Godwin corresponds.
This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.
Name | Number of Meetings |