William Godwin's Diary

Reynolds, Frederic Mansel

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 116 times, but was not at home (N) 26 times, and was a venue (V) 23 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


29  March  1820


29  October  1825


23  August  1826 (V)


18  April  1827


26  February  1828 29  February  1828 (V) 11  March  1828 31  March  1828 17  April  1828 28  April  1828 (N) 1  May  1828 (N) 2  May  1828 3  May  1828 14  May  1828 26  May  1828 16  June  1828 29  June  1828 30  June  1828 9  August  1828 4  September  1828 8  December  1828


5  April  1829 (N) 6  April  1829 14  April  1829 11  July  1829 27  July  1829 2  August  1829 29  September  1829 (V) 15  October  1829 14  November  1829 (V) 18  November  1829 (V) 19  November  1829 22  November  1829 (V) 27  December  1829


3  January  1830 (NV) 10  January  1830 (N) 17  January  1830 9  February  1830 (V) 10  February  1830 17  March  1830 (N) 6  June  1830 (V) 7  June  1830 10  July  1830 (N) 13  July  1830 25  July  1830 (N) 27  July  1830 (V) 12  August  1830 2  September  1830 4  September  1830 (V) 17  September  1830 (V) 21  October  1830 (V)


8  January  1831 12  March  1831 (NV) 14  March  1831 (NV) 15  March  1831 15  March  1831 23  March  1831 23  May  1831 (NV) 26  May  1831 3  June  1831 (NV) 29  June  1831 18  August  1831 13  September  1831 16  September  1831 (N) 17  September  1831 12  October  1831 23  November  1831 (NV)


12  January  1832 (NV) 29  February  1832 5  March  1832 8  March  1832 (NV) 16  March  1832 (NV) 18  May  1832 16  August  1832 28  September  1832 5  October  1832 15  November  1832 18  December  1832 18  December  1832 26  December  1832


3  January  1833 10  January  1833 (N) 16  January  1833 26  January  1833 4  February  1833 11  February  1833 (NV) 27  February  1833 9  March  1833 4  April  1833 8  April  1833 27  April  1833 28  April  1833 22  May  1833 5  June  1833 17  June  1833 23  August  1833 7  September  1833 (N)


29  January  1834 28  February  1834 (V) 15  March  1834 (N) 11  July  1834 (N) 16  July  1834 (N) 27  July  1834 (N) 16  August  1834 18  September  1834 21  October  1834 (N) 6  December  1834 16  December  1834 (N)


20  January  1835 29  January  1835 28  March  1835 20  April  1835 3  July  1835 20  August  1835


15  January  1836 15  January  1836

  • Name: Reynolds, Frederic Mansel
  • Gender: Male
  • Death Date: 7  June  1850
  • Occupation: writer
  • Occupation: journal editor

See DNB.

Entries for F and R Reynolds have accordingly been coded for Frederick Snr and Richard Senr, until the mid 1820s, when the pattern of interaction seems to change. 'FR' begins to appear at Reynolds', which suggests the son and the from the pattern of contact it seems that Godwin develops a close relationship with Frederick the son as well as maintaining in touch with the father. Contacts with the younger brother Richard are also recorded. Godwin does raise further questions when, in 1831, he start using 'FMR' for Frederick Junr. but there is little to suggest that we should read 'FR' entries prior or subsequent to this as referring to the father. Subsequent entries that certainly refer to Frederick senr using plain Reynolds, suggest that the move to 'FMR'(for Frederick junr) is temporary and of no significance.

In the Abinger Papers there is a letter from Frederick Reynolds that is catalogued as from F. M. Reynolds. However, there is simply insufficient evidence to confirm the attribution, and the reference to Mrs Reynolds in the letter suggests it might be Frederick Reynolds senr.

  • MS. Abinger c. 15, fols. 69-70: n.d.

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Reynolds, Elizabeth (née Mansel) 19
Reynolds, Frederick 19
Reynolds, Richard 8
Robinson family, 2
Godwin, William 2
Skeffington, Sir Lumley St George 1
D'Orsay, Count Gédéon Gaspard Alfred de Grimaud (Alfred Guillame Gabriel) 1
Kenney, James 1
Stanhope, Lincoln (Edwin Robert) 1
Morton, John Maddison 1
Morton, Edw 1
Jerningham, 1
Rothwell, Richard (Ireland) 1
Shepherd, Lady Mary (née Primrose) 1
Bulwer, (William) Henry Lytton Earle (Baron Dalling and Bulwer) 1
Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer (first Baron Lytton) 1
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 1
Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (Claire) 1
Macready, William Charles 1

Reynolds, Elizabeth (née Mansel)

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 226 times, but was not at home (N) 3 times, and was a venue (V) 182 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


19  September  1795 (V) 25  September  1795 26  September  1795 (V) 2  October  1795 (V) 9  October  1795 (V) 11  October  1795 18  October  1795 4  December  1795 (V) 26  December  1795 (V) 27  December  1795


13  February  1796 (V) 19  February  1796 (V) 20  February  1796 (V) 1  March  1796 (V) 2  March  1796 (V) 17  March  1796 (V) 9  April  1796 (NV) 13  April  1796 (NV) 5  May  1796 (V) 18  May  1796 (V) 5  June  1796 (V) 26  September  1796 (V)


20  February  1797 (NV) 25  February  1797 (V) 26  February  1797


29  April  1798 (V)


13  April  1799 (V) 16  May  1799 8  June  1799 (V) 18  June  1799 (V) 13  October  1799 19  October  1799 (V) 13  November  1799 (V) 14  November  1799 27  December  1799 (V)


13  January  1800 (V) 5  February  1800 (V) 21  February  1800 (V) 28  February  1800 (V) 24  March  1800 (V) 10  April  1800 (V) 18  April  1800 (V) 1  May  1800 4  May  1800 (V) 21  June  1800 (V) 14  September  1800 (V) 29  September  1800 (V) 8  October  1800 9  November  1800 (V) 30  November  1800 (V) 12  December  1800 (V)


11  January  1801 (V) 18  February  1801 (V) 25  March  1801 (V) 19  April  1801 (V) 25  May  1801 (V) 27  June  1801 (V) 3  July  1801 19  July  1801 (V) 23  July  1801 (V) 24  July  1801 26  July  1801 (V) 12  August  1801 (V) 18  October  1801 (V) 8  November  1801 (V) 9  December  1801 13  December  1801 (V)


28  January  1802 (V) 31  January  1802 (V) 2  February  1802 24  February  1802 (V) 1  March  1802 (V) 5  March  1802 11  March  1802 14  March  1802 (V) 11  April  1802 (V) 15  April  1802 (V) 27  May  1802 19  September  1802 (V) 7  October  1802 13  November  1802


16  July  1803 16  September  1803 22  October  1803 (V) 13  November  1803 (V)


16  January  1804 6  February  1804


18  February  1805


14  April  1806 28  July  1806 28  September  1806 (V) 12  November  1806


24  June  1807


6  January  1809 (V) 17  October  1809 23  October  1809


13  February  1810 8  March  1810 15  March  1810 (V) 25  March  1810 (V) 6  August  1810 (V) 17  October  1810


23  October  1811


16  April  1812


16  February  1814


26  March  1818


28  December  1822


1  June  1824


10  September  1825 (V) 25  September  1825 (V) 19  October  1825 (V) 29  October  1825 5  November  1825 (V) 25  November  1825 (V) 14  December  1825 (V)


1  January  1826 (V) 25  January  1826 (V) 16  April  1826 17  April  1826 (V) 9  May  1826 (V) 30  May  1826 (V) 19  June  1826 (V) 8  July  1826 (V) 29  July  1826 (V) 24  August  1826 28  August  1826 (V) 11  September  1826 (V) 24  September  1826 (V) 11  October  1826 (V) 24  October  1826 (V) 7  November  1826 (V) 24  November  1826 (V) 15  December  1826 (V) 20  December  1826


3  January  1827 (V) 22  January  1827 (V) 9  February  1827 (V) 2  March  1827 (V) 18  March  1827 (V) 9  April  1827 (V) 22  April  1827 (V) 14  May  1827 (V) 30  May  1827 (V) 12  June  1827 (V) 26  June  1827 (V) 11  July  1827 (V) 25  July  1827 (V) 10  August  1827 (V) 24  August  1827 (V) 10  September  1827 (V) 2  October  1827 (V) 23  November  1827 (V)


1  February  1828 (V) 18  March  1828 (V) 7  April  1828 (V) 28  April  1828 (V) 11  June  1828 (V) 12  June  1828 (V) 5  July  1828 (V) 25  July  1828 (V) 12  August  1828 (V) 4  September  1828 (V) 29  September  1828 (V) 7  November  1828 (V) 8  December  1828 (V) 31  December  1828 (V)


20  January  1829 (V) 2  March  1829 (V) 25  March  1829 (V) 18  April  1829 (V) 20  May  1829 (V) 12  June  1829 (V) 17  July  1829 (V) 26  September  1829 (V) 16  October  1829 (V) 12  November  1829 (V) 4  December  1829 (V) 29  December  1829 (V)


22  January  1830 (V) 24  February  1830 (V) 17  March  1830 (V) 14  April  1830 (V) 12  May  1830 (V) 24  June  1830 (V) 16  July  1830 (V) 10  August  1830 (V) 16  October  1830 (V) 10  November  1830 (V) 7  December  1830 (V)


21  January  1831 (V) 10  February  1831 (V) 7  March  1831 (V) 15  April  1831 (V) 5  May  1831 (V) 26  May  1831 (V) 29  June  1831 (V) 22  July  1831 (V) 18  August  1831 (V) 13  September  1831 (V) 12  October  1831 (V) 10  November  1831 (V) 20  November  1831 (V) 22  December  1831 (V)


22  January  1832 (V) 29  February  1832 (V) 22  March  1832 (V) 23  April  1832 (V) 18  May  1832 (V) 15  June  1832 (V) 10  July  1832 (V) 3  August  1832 (V) 28  September  1832 5  October  1832 (V) 15  November  1832 (V)


4  February  1833 (V) 27  February  1833 (V) 4  April  1833 (V) 27  April  1833 (V) 23  August  1833 (V) 8  November  1833 (V)


25  June  1834 (V) 18  September  1834 (V)


29  January  1835 (V) 20  April  1835 (V) 14  September  1835 (V)


15  January  1836 (V)

  • Name: Reynolds, Elizabeth (née Mansel)
  • Gender: Female
  • Death Date: 1848
  • Occupation: actress

Married to , dramatist.

There are a considerable number of specific entries for Mrs Reynolds, both before her marriage and after, and there does seem to be considerable independent contact. But, in addition, entries for 'Reynolds's' have been taken to include Frederick (senr) and Elizabeth. These are plentiful between 1799 and 1802, but decline dramatically thereafter, possibly as a result of the arrival of children. This style of entry seems to disappear for a number of years, when contact generally falls dramatically. Above all, there are no suppers at Reynolds, when Godwin had been a very regular visitor at this time. Note also the 2-year hiatus between 1807 and 1809. The 'two Reynoldses' entry in 1809 is taken to be husband and wife. The pattern of contact diminishes further in the 1810s with most contacts being adv's at the Theatre, in the case of Reynolds, or with more direct contact with Mrs Reynolds. However, in 1825 and thereafter, contact resumes with great frequency, similar to that of the 1790s.

No bibliographic items currently available

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Reynolds, Frederick 158
Reynolds, Frederic Mansel 19
Boaden, Caroline 9
Kemble, Charles 8
Lamb, Mary Anne 8
Lamb, Charles 7
Kenney, James 7
Reynolds, Richard 7
Morton, Thomas 7
Curran, John Philpot 5
Moore, C[harles]? 5
Boaden, James 4
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 4
Holcroft, Thomas 4
Morton, Edw 4
Morton, John Maddison 3
Hazlitt, William 2
Fenwick, John 2
O'Bryen, Dennis (O'Brien) 2
Phillips, Sir Richard (Philip Richards) 2
Poole, John 2
Burney, Martin Charles 2
Perry, James (Pirie) 2
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 2
Tuthill, Sir George Leman 2
Wilson, 1
Barry, Major Henry 1
Kentish, John 1
Cooper, Thomas (Abthorpe) 1
Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (Claire) 1
Imlay, Fanny (Godwin) 1
Clairmont, Charles 1
Hays, Mary 1
Fenwick, Eliza Anne 1
Porson, Richard 1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1
Wordsworth, William 1
Jerdan, William 1
Shield, William 1
Wolcot, Dr John (pseudonym Peter Pindar) 1
Turner, Thomas 1
Carlisle, Sir Anthony 1
Shee, Sir Martin Archer 1
Rickman, John 1
Fenwick, Elizabeth (Eliza) (née Jaco, pseudonym Reverend David Blair) 1
Burney, Captain James 1
Sherwin, (Count Dip) 1
Godwin, William 1
Novello, Vincent 1
Reynolds, Richard 1
Burnett, George 1
Cooper, Elizabeth Priscilla 1
Fillingham, William 1
Marshall, James 1
Inchbald, Elizabeth 1
Siddons, Henry 1
Godwin, Hannah 1
Nicholson, William 1
Northcote, James 1
Hoare, Prince 1
Allen, Lancelot Baugh 1
Mackintosh, Lady Catherine Allen 1
Kemble, Maria Theresa (née De Camp) 1
Williams, Helen Maria 1
Montagu, Basil 1