William Godwin's Diary

Lockhart, John Gibson

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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 8 times, and was a venue (V) 1 time.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


8  April  1820


29  October  1830 (V) 4  November  1830 5  November  1830


11  November  1833 14  November  1833 2  December  1833


15  February  1835

  • Name: Lockhart, John Gibson
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 12  June  1794
  • Death Date: 25  November  1854
  • Occupation: writer
  • Occupation: literary editor

Biographer of Walter Scott and longtime editor of the Quarterly Review, Lockhart is remembered for his acerbic review of Keats's Endymion in Blackwood's Magazinein 1818. In 1830 Godwin was using Lockhart as an intermediary with publisher John Murray to propose the inclusion of his Lives of the Necromancers in the Family Library. Murray declined. Godwin is cited as saying that Lockhart 'greatly approved....But after a lapse of two or three days he wrote me to say that Mr Murray had declined it.' (p. 518; Charles Kegan Paul, William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries, vol. 2, p. 311) In fact there is a discussion on demonism with Lockhart late in October 1830, then a letter to him on 4 November, and a reply on 5 November. The meetings in 1833 are at large society parties around Lady Mary Shephers, Lady Stepney, and Lady C Bury.

  • DNB
  • Charles Kegan Paul, William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries (London: H.S. King, 1876)
  • The journals of Mary Shelley, 1814–1844, ed. by Paula R. Feldman and Diana Scott-Kilvert, 2 vols (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press; Clarendon Press, 1987).

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Stepney, Lady Catherine (née Pollok) (Manners) 2
Shepherd, Lady Mary (née Primrose) 2
Lardner, Dionysius 2
Rogers, Samuel 1
Bury, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria (née Campbell) 1
Sheridan, Charles 1
Murray, John Samuel 1
Uwins, Thomas 1
Joseph, Samuel 1
Mill, John Stuart 1