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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 4 times, and was a venue (V) 0 times.
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Higgins resigned an army commission in 1813 and dedicated himself to scholarship. Among his publications were Horae sabbaticae (1826), and The Celtic Druids (1829) and Anacalypsis: an attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic Isis, or, An inquiry into the origin of languages, nations, and religions, (1836).
The identification can be confirmed by the entry where Godwin takes tea at William Frend's on 27 February 1795. Frend was a close acquaintance of Higgins whom he met at Cambridge.
This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.
Name | Number of Meetings |
Holcroft, Thomas | 2 |
Frend, William | 1 |
Hamilton, Hugh Douglas | 1 |
Foulkes, John | 1 |
Batty, Robert | 1 |
Smirke, | 1 |
Thelwall, John | 1 |
Dyer, George | 1 |
Wordsworth, William | 1 |
Raine, Jonathan | 1 |
Tweddell, John | 1 |
Losh, James | 1 |
Curran, John Philpot | 1 |