William Godwin's Diary

Boinville, Cornelia (Turner)

  • Name: Boinville, Cornelia (Turner)
  • Gender: Female
  • Birth Date:
  • Death Date:

The Boinville family had a long association with the Godwins. Cornelia was the daughter of Chastel and Harriet and the family became close to the Godwins in the 1800s. Cornelia married Thomas Turner, another longtime advocate of Godwin, in 1812. In the spring of 1814, before Percy Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin became close, Shelley, according to his wife Harriet, had been very attentive to Cornelia in her husband's absence. Godwin told Turner, who took his wife to Devon, ensuring she did not see Shelley again. (St Clair, p. 360)

For a fuller discussion see Harriet Boinville

  • St Clair

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Turner, Thomas 23
Boinville, Harriet 9
Godwin, William 6
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 5
Lamb, Mary Anne 4
Boinville, Alfred 4
Curran, William Henry 2
Flather, John 2
Smith, James 1
Northcote, James 1
Mulready, William 1
Irving, Washington 1
De Boinville, Chastel 1
Newton, John Frank 1
Lamb, Charles 1
Buchan, Dr Alexander Peter 1
Booth, David 1