William Godwin's Diary


The following advertisement appeared in The Times on 3 August: ‘Mr. Kean’s Effects. MR. W. HUTTON begs to notify that he has received instructions from Edmund Kean, Esq., in consequence of his leaving England, to submit to PUBLIC AUCTION, THIS DAY Aug. 3, at 11 for 12 precisely, on the Premises, Bute-cottage, Regent’s-park, all the genuine FURNITURE; comprising 4-post, tent, and French bedsteads with furnitures, excellent goose feather beds, wool mattresses, mahogany chests of drawers, dining room chairs, chimney and dressing glasses, Brussels carpets and rugs, dining, card, loo, pembroke, and work tables, bedsteps, blankets, fine bed and table linen, pedestal sideboard, fire screens, fenders and fire irons, rich vases, and old china ornaments, bronze and ormoulu candelabras, a few paintings by the first masters, cut and plain glass, the usual chamber and kitchen requisites, and numerous items. May be viewed with catalogues, 6d. each, which may be had on the premises, and of Mr. Hutton, 43, Rathbone-place.’ However, Kean was too ill to make the trip to America and returned to performing at Drury Lane in January 1831.

See DNB and The Times, 3 August 1830.