Horneck (26 April 1834) Sinclair, GeorgeSatan's invisible world discovered; or, A choice of modern
relations, proving evidently against the Saducees and atheists of
this present age, that there are devils, spirits, witches, and
apparitions; from authentic records, attestations of famous
witnesses and undoubted veracity. To all which is added, that
marvellous history of Major Weir, and his sister. With two
relations of apparitions at Edinburgh. 1685AND
Glanvill, JosephMore, HenryHorneck, Anthony (translator)Saducismus triumphatus; or, Full and plain evidence
concerning witches and apparitions. With a letter of Dr. Henry
More on the same subject. And an authentick story of certain
Swedish witches. Done into English by Anth. Horneck preacher at
the Savoy. 1681WG cites Horneck ‘apud Sinclair, Satan's Invisible World' and
‘Glanville, Sadducismus Triumphatus' in Lives of the Necromancers
(453). WG reads in the British Museum on this date.
Mentions in the Diary