William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Pope, Prefaces, pp. 47 (3  June  1829) Possibly:
Pope, Alexander Unable to determine specific prefaces.
WG possibly reads the prefaces in one of the following collections:
Pope, AlexanderRoscoe, William (editor)The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. With notes and illustrations by himself and others. To which are added, a new life of the author, an estimate of his poetical character and writings, and occsional remarks, by William Roscoe, Esq. (10 volumes) 1824
OR previously recorded in WG's diary 1799-08-15:
Pope, AlexanderWarburton, William (editor)The works of Alexander Pope, Esq. in nine volumes complete; with his last corrections, additions, and improvements. Published by Mr. Warburton. With occasional notes. 1751
WG's sale catalog lists:
Pope's (Alex.) Works, with notes by Bp. Warburton, plates, 6 vol. 1764 (item 607).
Pope's Works, with notes and illustrations by W. Roscoe, port. 10 vol. 1824 (item 608).

Mentions in the Diary