Keysler (12 March 1829) Possibly:
Keyssler, Johann GeorgTravels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland,
Italy, and Lorrain. Giving a true and just description of the
present state of those countries, their natural, literary, and
political history, manners, laws, commerce, manufactures,
painting, sculpture, architecture, coins, antiquities, curiosities
of art and nature, &c. Illustrated with copper plates,
engraved from drawings taken on the spot. By John George Kessler …
Carefully translated from the second edition of the German. In
four volumes. 1756-57 The German title:
Neueste Reisen durch Deutschland,
Böhmen, Ungarn, die Schweiz, Italie und Löthringen (
1736). WG reads Keysler in the British Museum
on this date. The British Library currently holds this title in both
English and German.
Mentions in the Diary