William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


C's Lords (1  February  1828) Unable to identify specific title.
WG's History of the Commonwealth (8:465-84) discusses the institution of the ‘other House' of Parliament in 1657. WG cites the following:
Thurloe, Vol. VI [Collection of State Papers] (see WG's diary 1818-08-26)
Ayscough MSS in the British Museum, No. 3246
Whitlocke [Memorials of English Affairs] ( 1804-07-12)
Burton's Diary, Vol. II ( 1824-06-16)
Petition and Advice ( 1827-10-19)
Journals [of the House of Commons] ( 1827-03-19)
WG reads in the British Museum on this date. The British Library currently holds editions of these materials.

Mentions in the Diary