William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Sequestrations (23  May  1827) WG's History of the Commonwealth (6:491-6) discusses sequestrations of royalists' revenues by parliamentary committees of sequestration invoking a measure passed in March 1643. He cites the following materials:
Scobel, 1643 (see annotation of WG's diary for 1827-05-16)
[Hollis or Holles,] Memoirs ( 1818-10-14)
[Wood,] Athenae Oxoniensis, Vol. I ( 1813-03-24)
[Walker,] History of the Independency ( 1818-08-11)
[Records,] State Paper Office
Retrospective Review, Vol. IX, Part I, art.vi; Vol. XII, Part II, art i.
WG reads in the British Museum on this date. The British Library currently holds editions of Scobell, Hollis [Holles], Wood, and Walker.

Mentions in the Diary