William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Vindication of C, pp. 76 (18  November  1826) Wagstaffe, ThomasA vindication of K. Charles the martyr; proving that His Majesty was the author of Eikon basilike. 1691
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Wagstaff, Vindication of Charles, 1711, p. 90 (2:495).
Wagstaff, Vindication of Charles I, in the Matter of Eikon Basilike (4:401).
Appendix to the Third Edition of Wagstaff's Vindication of the Royal martyr (4:610).
WG reads Wagstaffe at the British Museum on 1816-02-09.
Symmons, EdwardA vindication of King Charles; or, A loyal subjects duty. Manifested in vindicating his soveraigne from those aspersions cast upon him by certaine persons, in a scandalous libel, entituled, the Kings cabinet opened and published (as they say) by authority of Parliament. Whereunto is added, a true parallel betwixt the sufferings of our Saviour and our soveraign, in divers particulars, &c. By Edw: Symmons, a minister, not of the late confused new, but of the ancient, orderly, and true Church of England. 1648
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Symmons, Vindication of King Charles (4:693).

Mentions in the Diary