Petition (7 November 1826) Whalley, Edward, et al.
To the supream
authoritie of the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. The
humble petition of the officers of the army. Sheweth, that wee
having had divers meetings to seeke the Lord, and to speak of the
great things God hath done for this common-wealth, it hath been
set upon our hearts as our duty to offer such things, on behalf of
this nation, as in our judgements and consciences might tend to
the peace and well being thereof, and therefore in pursuance of
the same, have with one consent thought it fit humbly to present
to you the particulars following, which wee desire may be taken
into consideration. 1652WG read this piece in the Thomason Tracts in the British
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Proceedings, No. 151 (6:419) [containing a petition drawn up by a
council of officers 12 Aug.
Mentions in the Diary