Lothian (27 July 1826) Probably:
Lothian, James (signatory)Wilbraham, Roger (signatory)Three letters concerning the surrender of many Scotish lords
to the High Sheriffe of the County of Chester and the condition of
Duke Hamilton, Sir Marmaduke Langdale, Middleton and others of
note, with a list of the names of the lords, knights, colonels and
other officers of Duke Hamilton's army which was taken prisoners
by the Parliament forces… 1648OR
Lothian, James (signatory)Glendonyng, William (signatory)The desires of the commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland
that both Houses of Parliament may sit in freedome for settling of
religion according to the covenant, that Charls the second … may
be admitted to the government of these kingdomes, together with
their protestation against all proceedings to the
contrary. 1649WG reads in the British Museum on
Mentions in the Diary