Cromwel (15 June 1826) Caulfield, James (compiler)Stace, Machell (compiler?)Cromwelliana. A chronological detail of events in which
Oliver Cromwell was engaged. From the year 1642 to his death, 1658. With a
continuation of other transactions to the Restoration. 1810AND
Fletcher, Henry (generally attributed to)Raybould, William (also attributed to)The perfect politician; or, A full view of the life and
actions (military and civil) of O. Cromwell. Whereunto is added
his character and a compleat catalogue of all the honours
conferr'd by him on several persons. 1660AND
Carte, ThomasThe Irish massacre set in a clear light. Wherein Mr. Baxter's
account of it in the History of his own life, and the abridgment
thereof by Dr. Calamy, are fully consider'd. Together with two
letters from Mr. Chaundler, (the Dissenting teacher of Bath,
reviving the aforesaid account) to the Reverend Mr. Thomas Cart at
Bath, with his two replies to Mr. Chaundler. 1714WG's History of the Commonwealth discusses Cromwell's activity
in Ireland (5:140-62). He cites the sources above, as well as the following:
Irish rebellion (see
annotation of WG's diary for
Hibernia anglicana (
Memorials of English affairs (
Life of
Ormond (
1823-03-04) WG reads in
the British Museum on
Mentions in the Diary