William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Harrington (27  April  1826) Possibly:
Harrington, JamesNoah's dove; or, An epistle of peace, directed to his entirely affected brethren, the Presbiterians and Independents. From James Harrington. 1645
Harrington, JamesCertaine queries, proposed by the King to the Lords and Commons Commissioners from the Honourable Houses of Parliament, attending His Majesty at Holdenby, the 23 of this instant Aprill, 1647. touching the celebration of the feast of Easter. With an answer thereunto, given and presented to his Majesty by Sir James Harrington Knight and Barronet a Commissioner there. April 27, 1647
Conjecture based on date and location in British Museum. WG reads at British Museum on 1826-04-27.

Mentions in the Diary