London Institution, Upcot (16 June 1824) Upcot is
an acquaintance of WG; see WG's diary for
London literary gazette and
journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences, etc. for
Saturday, March 8,
1828 reviews the
Diary of Thomas Burton, Esq., member in the parliaments of
Oliver and Richard Cromwell, from 1636-1650; from the original autograph MS.; with an
Introduction, containing an Act of the Parliament of 1654, from the Journal of Guibon Goddard,
Esq., M.P. Edited and illustrated with notes, historical
and biographical, by John Towill Rutt. 4 vols. 8vo. London,
1828. Coburn. The reviewer quotes from the
preface: Burton's parliamentary diary is printed from his notebooks.
These ‘came, a few years since, into the possession of Mr. Upcot, of
the London Institution (together with the lately published
correspondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon)…'
With the help
of Upcot, WG may have consulted these diaries before their
publication in
Mentions in the Diary