William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Nash, Apologie, çala (27  February  1819) Nash, ThomasPasquil [pseud.]The first parte of Pasquils Apologie. Wherein he renders a reason to his friends of his long silence; and gallops the fields with the Treatise of reformation lately written by a fugitive, John Penrie. Printed where I was, and where I will bee ready by the helpe of God and my Muse, to send you the May-game of Martinisme for an intermedium, between the first and second part of the Apologie. 1590
Nash, ThomasThe apologie of Pierce Pennilesse. Or, strange newes, of the intercepting certaine letters; and a convoy of verses, as they were going priuilie to victuall the Lowe Countries. By Tho. Nashe gentleman. 1593

Mentions in the Diary