William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Thurloe, çala (26  August  1818) Thurloe, JohnBirch, Thomas (editor)A collection of state papers of John Thurloe, Esq., secretary, first, to the Council of State, and afterwards to the two protectors, Oliver and Richard Cromwell. In seven volumes. Containing authentic memorials of the English affairs from the year 1638, to the restoration of King Charles II. Published from the originals, formerly in the library of John Lord Somers, and since in that of Sir Joseph Jekyll. Including a considerable number of original letters and papers. That whole digested into an exact order of time. To which is prefixed the life of Mr. Thurloe, with a complete index to each volume. 1742
WG's sale catalog lists;
Thurloe's (Secretary) Collection of State Papers, 1638-60, edited by Birch, 7 vol. 1742 (item 903).

Mentions in the Diary