William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Charles I, çala (7  June  1816) Unable to identify specific title.
WG's sale catalog lists:
Charles the First.—Trial before the High Court of Justice, with additions by Nalson 1740 (item 122).
Charles the First.—Icon Basilike, 1649; and various relating to Charles the First, 7 vol. (item 124).
Charles the First's Defence of the Church of England Hague (item 125).
Charles the First:--Reliquiae Sacrae Carolinae, curious port. Geo. Lid. sc. ib. 1650 (item 126).
Charles the First:--Collection of Remonstrances, Votes, Ordinances, Proclamations, &c. of the Parliament, Dec. 1641, March 1643 Husband, 1643 (item 358).
Charles the First:--Orders, Ordinances, &c. of both Houses of Parliament, 1642-46 Husband, 1646 (item 427).
Charles the First's Works, with his Life and Martyrdome, large paper 1687 (item 428).
Charles the First's Works, both Civil and Sacred … 1735 (item 429).
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Charles's Works, Letters, Jan. 17, 1645 (2:418).

Mentions in the Diary