Jer. Taylor, çala (2 August 1815) Possibly
WG reads one or more items previously recorded in his diary:
Taylor, JeremyThe rule and exercises of holy dying … Together, with prayers
and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons, or by
others standing in their attendance. To which are added Rules for
the visitation of the sick, and offices proper for that
ministry. 1651WG's sale catalog lists:
Taylor's (Jeremy) Rule and
Exercise of Holy Living and Dying, plates
1690 (item 709).
Taylor, JeremyA discourse of the nature, offices and measures of
friendship, with rules of conducting it. Written in answer to a
letter from the most ingenious and vertuous M.K.P. To which are
added two letters written to persons newly changed in their
religion. The first to a gentlewoman seduced to the Roman Church,
the other to a person returning to the Church of England. By J.T.
D.D. 1657On
Taylor, JeremyTheologia eklektike: A discourse of the liberty of
prophesying, shewing the unreasonableness of prescribing to other
mens faith and the iniquity of persecuting differing
opinions. 1647WG's sale catalog lists:
Taylor's (Jeremy) Rule and
Exercise of Holy Dying, &c. 4 vol.
1651-99 (item 709).
Taylor's Rule and Exercise of Holy
Living and Dying, plates
1690 (item
Taylor's (Jeremy) Discourse of the Liberty of Prophecying
1647 (item 822).
Mentions in the Diary