Texts Godwin Read
Mornay, çala (7 January 1814) Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-MarlySidney, Sir Philip (translator)Golding, Arthur (translator)A worke concerning the trewnesse of the Christian religion,
written in French: against atheists, epicures, paynims, iewes,
Mahumetists, and other infidels. By Philip of Mornay Lord of
Plessie Marlie. Begunne to be translated into English by Sir
Philip Sidney Knight, and at his request finished by Arthur
Golding. 1587In French:
Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-MarlyDe la verité de la religion chrestienne contre les athées, epicuriens, payens, juifs, mahumedistes et
autres enfideles. 1581Mentions in the Diary