William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


T Brown, cala (9  June  1811) Possibly one of the following:
Maurier, Louis Aubery du
Brown, Thomas
The lives of all the Princes of Orange; from William the Great,founder of the Common-wealth of the United Provinces: written in French by the Baron Maurier [forming part of his Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Hollande”] … To which is added the life of his present Majesty King William the Third, from his birth to his landing in England. By Mr. Thomas Brown, etc.
Browne, Sir Thomas
Christian morals, by Sr Thomas Brown, … Published from the original and correct manuscript of the author, by John Jeffery …
Browne, Sir Thomas
The works of the learned Sr Thomas Brown, Kt., Doctor of Physick, late of Norwich. Containing I. Enquiries into vulgar and common errors. II. Religio medici, with annotations and observations upon it. III. Hydriotaphia; or, Urn-Burial: Together with the Garden of Cyrus. IV. Certain miscellany tracts. With alphabetical tables.
Browne, Sir Thomas
Burton, Johannes
Posthumous works of the learned Sir Thomas Browne, Kt. M.D. Late of Norwich. Printed from his original manuscripts. Viz. I. Repertorium: or, The antiquities of the cathedral chruch of Norwich. II. An account of some urnes, &c. found at Brampton in Norfolk, Anno 1667. III. Letters between Sir William Dugdale and Sir Tho. Browne. IV. Miscellanies. To which is prefix'd his Life. There is also added, Antiquitates capellae D. Johannis Evangelistae; hodie scholae regiae Norwicensis. Authore Johanne Burton, A.M. ejusdem Ludimagistro. Illustrated with prospects …
Item recorded on 1800-05-08:
Browne, Sir ThomasReligio medici. 1642
Item recorded on 1804-04-17:
Browne, ThomasHydriotaphia, wine-buriall, or a Discourse of the sepulchrall urnes lately found in Norfolk, together with the garden of Cyrus, or the quincunciall, lozenge, or net-work plantations of the ancients … By Thomas Browne, … 1658
WG's sale catalog lists:
Brown's (Tho.) Lives of the Princes of Orange, ports. 1693 (item 80).
Browne's (Sir Tho.) Hydriotaphia, or discourse of Urne Buriall, plates, 1658—Christian Morals, Camb. 1716; 2 vol. (item 81).
--- Posthumous works, antiquities of Norwich, &c. plates 1723 (item 82)
--- Christian Morals, with a Life by Dr. Johnson, portrait inserted 1756 (item 83).
Browne's (Sir Tho.) Works, Enquiries into Vulgar and Common Errors &c portrait 1686 (item 416).

Mentions in the Diary