Browne's Pastorals, p. 22 (3 October 1806) Browne, WilliamBritannia's pastorals. 1613 (Book I);
1616 (Book II);
1625 (both
WG probably read this work in the following edition:
Browne, WilliamThe works of William Browne. Containing Britannia's
pastorals: with notes … by the Rev. W. Thompson … The shepherd's
pipe: … The Inner-Temple masque, never published before; and other
poems. With the life of the author. In three volumes. 1772WG's sale catalog lists:
Browne's (Will.) Britannia's
Pastorals, Shepherd's Pipe, and other Works, 3 vol.
1772 (item 84)
Mentions in the Diary