Jonson (19 November 1804) Unable to identify specific work read
by WG. Since he already records reading Ben Jonson's
Volpone on this date, he may be surveying Jonson's
works in a collection. The earliest collection of Jonson's works is:
Jonson, BenThe workes of Benjamin Jonson. 1616 This collection contains:
Every man in his hvmovr;
Cynthias revels; Poetaster; Seianvs his fall; Volpone; Epicoene,
or The silent woman; The alchemist, Catiline his conspiracy;
Epigrammes 1. booke; The forest; Part of the kings entertainment
in passing to his coronation; A panegyric on the happie entrance
of Iames, our soveraigne, to his first high session of Parliament;
A particular entertainment of qveenes and prince … at Althrope;
Masques at covrt. The following is known as the second
volume of Jonson's works:
Jonson, BenThe workes of Benjamin Jonson: the second volume: containing
these plays, viz. 1 Bartholomew Fayre. 2 The staple of newes. 3
The Divell is an asse. 1631And the following collection of his plays is known as the third volume:
Jonson, BenThe workes of Benjamin Jonson. 1640-41contains the following:
Christmas, his masque (
Underwoods (
1640); and
Mortimer his fall (
The magnetick lady (
A tale of a tub (
The sad shepherd (
Horace, his art of
poetrie (
English grammar (
Timber (
1641). WG's sale
catalog lists:
Jonson's (Ben) Plays, imp.
1616—Plays, &c
1640, imp.; 2
vol. (item 851).
Mentions in the Diary