William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Scroop (6  September  1803) In his biography of Chaucer, WG refers to Scrope in a note concerning the death of Richard II: ‘Scrope, archbishop of York, who was beheaded for high treason in 1405, asserts, in the manifesto in which he announced his rebellion, that Richard perished in consequence of being denied all sustenance, having first endured the miseries of hunger and thirst for fifteen days and nights. (Anglia Sacra, para II, art. 18). (Godwin's Life of Chaucer 1804 edition, 2:552). Unable to locate Scrope's manifesto, but see:
Wharton, HenryAnglia sacra, sive collectio historiarum, partem antiquitus, partem recenter scriptorum, de archiepiscopis et episcopis Angliae, a prima fidei christianae suceptione ad annum MDXL. 1691

Mentions in the Diary