duchess Blanche (15 February 1803) It is
likely that WG is consulting certain documents mentioned in his
biography of Chaucer, where he has a note concerning the age of
Blanche at the time of her marriage:
‘In the
post Mortem taken at the decease of duke Henry, her father
(Esc. 35 E. 3, p. 1, n. 122,) the lady Blanche, married to John earl
of Richmond, is stated to be xviij years old and upward … and the
lady Matilda, the other sister and coheiress, who is named after
Blanche, married to William earl of Holland, is said to be xx years
old and upward. In the Fine Rolls of the same year, 35 E. 3, m. 23,
there is a writ in behalf of the earl and countess of Richmond,
dated at Henley, 16 July, in which she is stated to be of full age
and to have issue, and in consequence of this she and her husband
receive, with the consent of her sister, a certain portion of duke
Henry's inheritance, which before had been reserved. … In these
records therefore we see the lady Blanche stated, in the same year,
and with the interval of a very few months, as eighteen, and as
twenty-one, years of age. The last statement however is confirmed by
Inquisitio post Mortem, Esc. 36 E. 3, p. 1, n.
37, taken at the decease of Matilda, her sister, there styled the
wife of William duke of Bavaria, in the following year' (
of Chaucer 1804 edition, volume 1, note a, pp.
Mentions in the Diary