Wood, çala (11 January 1802) Wood, Anthony àAthenae Oxonienses, an exact history of all the writers and
bishops who have had their education in the most ancient and
famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry
the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the end of the
year 1690: representing the birth,
fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates,
the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of
their writings: to which are added, the Fasti, or annals, of the
said University for the same time. 1691OR
Wood, Anthony àHistoria et antiquitates Universitatis oxoniensis, duobus
voluminibus comprehensae. (2 volumes in 1)
1674‘Written in English and translated into Latin, under the
direction of Dr. John Fell, by Richard Peers and Richard Reeve.'
Wood later rewrote the book in English. (WC)
Wood, Anthony àGutch, John (editor)The history and antiquities of the colleges and halls in the
University of Oxford: by Antony Wood, M.A. Now first published in
English, from the original manuscsipt [sic] in the Bodleian
Library, with a continuation to the present time by the editor,
John Gutch… 1786WG cites the following works in his biography of
Wood, Athenae Oxonienses, vol. I, art. 150
[Ant.] Wood, Hist. & Antiq. Oxon. (1:188).
History of Colleges in Oxford, by Gutch: College of All Souls
WG's sale catalog lists:
Wood's (Anth.) Athenae
Oxonienses, with the Fasti, or Annals, 2 vol.
1721 (item 910).
Mentions in the Diary