Boetius, Lib. I (25 October 1801) Chaucer, GeoffreyBoethius. composed
1377-1381first published by Caxton, probably
Boethii Deidonani, HectorScotorum historiae: a primagentis origine, cum aliarum et
rerum et gentium illustratione non vulgari prae missa epistola
nucupatoria [sic] tabellisque amplissimus, et non poenitenda
Isagoge quae ab buus tergo explicabuntur dissusius. 1526WG cites the following in his biography of
Prologue to the translation of Boethius, by John de
Meun, apud Fauchet, Liv. II (1:220).
Hector Boethius, Lib. XV,
ad ann. (1:421).
WG's sale catalog lists:
Consolationis Philosophiae lib. V. notis var. Lugd. Bat.
1671—Boetius, newly translated by J. T.
1609; 2 vol. (item 65).
Mentions in the Diary