William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Glanville, çala (6  July  1799) Glanville, John GlanvilleReports of certain cases, determined and adjudged by the Commons in Parliament, in the twenty-first and twenty-second years of the reign of King James the First. Collected by John Glanville … to which is prefixed an historical account of the ancient right of determining cases upon controverted elections. 1775
Glanville, Ranulf de GlanvilleRayner, John, barrister (preface)Eardley-Wilmot, John (also attributed to)Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinis regni Angliae tempore regis Henrici Secundi compositus, justiciae gubernacula tenete illustri viro Ranulpho de Glanvilla, juris regni et antiquarum consuetudinum eo tempore peritissimo. Et illas solum leges continet et consuetudines secundum quas placitur in Curia regis ad Scaccarium et coram justiciis ubicunque fuerint. 1554 (adds ‘Hic adjectae sunt a quodam legum studioso adnotationes aliquot marginales non utiles.)
1604 (adds ‘Qui nunc imprimitur post 90. annos a priori et prima impressione…)
Conjectures based on WG's interest in law.

Mentions in the Diary