Madox (15 December 1802) Madox, ThomasFitzneal, Richard (actual author)The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the kings of
England in two periods, to wit, from the Norman Conquest to the
end of the reign of K. John, and from the end of the reign of K.
John down to the end of the reign of K. Edward II: taken from
records: together with a correct copy of the ancient dialogue
concerning the Exchequer generally ascribed to Gervasius
Tilburiensis, and a Dissertation concerning the most ancient great
roll of the Exchequer, commonly styled the Roll of quinto regis
Stephani. 1711WG cites the following in his biography of Chaucer:
History of the Exchequer, Chap. XI, XII, XIII (1:365).
Mentions in the Diary