Cleveld, p. 38 (13 September 1793) Cleveland, JohnThe life and entertaining adventures of Mr. Cleveland,
natural son of Oliver Cromwell. Giving a particular account of his
unhappiness in love, marriage, friendship, etc. and his great
sufferings in Europe and America. Intermixed with reflections,
describing the heart of man in all its variety of passions and
disguises; also some particulars of Oliver's history and amours,
never before made publick. 1734-1735OR
Cleaveland, JohnPoems. 1653-54WG's sale catalog lists: Cleaveland (J.), Poems, 2 editions.
Clieveland, JohnClievelandi Vindiciae, or Clieveland's genuine poems,
orations, epistles, etc.: purged from the many false and spurious
ones which had usurped his name and from innumerable errours and
corruptions in the true copies, to which are added many never
printed before, with an account of the author's life. 1677A variant of the edition with ‘Nath. Brooks' as bookseller did
not include the account of the author's life.
WG's sale catalog
Cleaveland (J.), Cleevelandi Vindiciae, or Cleaveland's
Genuine Poems,
Cleveland, JohnThe works of Mr. John Cleveland: containing his poems,
orations and epistles: also, The rustick rampant, or, Rural
anarchy affronting monarchy, in the insurrection of Wat.
Tyler. 1699 (reissue of
1687 editions of these two works)
WG's sale catalog
J. Cleaveland, Poems, also the Rustick Rampant, or Rural
Anarchy Affronting Monarchy,
Mentions in the Diary