Malone's Chronology (30 July 1792) Malone, EdmundAn attempt to ascertain the order in which the plays of
Shakespeare were written, in
The plays of William
Shakespeare, with notes by Samuel Johnson and George
Steevens, edited by Isaac Reed, 2
nd edn. revised and augmented, 10 vols, vol. 1.
1778WG's sale catalog lists several editions of Shakespeare's
Shakespeare's Plays, reprinted from the original quartos,
edited by Steevens, 4 vol.
Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies,
with notes and various readings, edited by Ed. Capell, 10 vol.
Shakespeare's Plays and Poems, with
notes by Malone, 16 vo. Dubl,
Shakespeare's Plays, with Explanatory Notes, and
Index, by Ayscough
1807-1790 [sic].
Mentions in the Diary